I will be referring to the year of 2011 in many of my posts as I continue to write. Here's the thing... I wasn't certain of a damn thing when I lost my marriage, but I was 100% certain that I wanted to inspire men and women to face the hand that was dealt head on (unwanted divorce, death, substance abuse). We all have our own demons we face and we either take control or we don't. It was December 2011 that I set my goals and wrote those goals in a series of journals. One of my goals was to begin a blog and eventually write a book. Throughout these five years, I have hit rock bottom a few times and eventually found that rock bottom actually had a basement. There are many of my friends and family who knew of this outlandish thinking and each time I spoke about it, I could hear crickets. I understood that privacy is important to us, especially the skeletons we all have in our closets. For me, I knew that I was going to do good things, and although I am unsure of how my story will end I am certain that if I was able to make a difference with my story in the life of just one person, well then I achieved what I set out to do.

The new year is amongst us. There isn't any correct way to set your goals... Just write the damn goals down!
Number 1
Remember there are no timelines.
Number 2
Be aggressive, it is only then that you truly see what you are capable of achieving. Who cares if you lost ten pounds. Think bigger, think bigger thoughts. If it is ten pounds, then lose the ten pounds and add to that by eating clean for one year, thus establishing a lifestyle change.
Number 3
Keep your goals written down and posted where you can see those set goals everyday.
Lastly, trust in your craft enough to admire it, study it, perfect it, breath it and never stop getting better at whatever it is that you are passionate about.